建立了微波消解电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定棉花中微量元素的方法, 并用该法分别测定了天然彩棉和普通白棉中Ca ,μg , Fe , Cu , Ba , Zn , Al , Sr , Mn 和Si 等元素的含量。该法检出限为019~21μg ·L - 1 , 加标回收率为93 %~111 % ,RSD < 410 %( n = 5) ; 研究结果表明天然彩棉中棕色彩棉和绿色彩棉中Ca , Cu , Zn , Al , Fe , Sr 和Si 等元素含量要明显高于普通白棉。文章的研究结果可为彩棉的显色原理研究以及真假彩棉的鉴定提供一定的科学依据。
使用北京大学科技考古实验室的激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体发射光谱分析了台湾省出土的18 件古代玻璃珠子标本,结果表明这些珠子主要属于钙镁玻璃系统、钾玻璃系统、铅玻璃系统以及钠钙玻璃系统,除钠钙玻璃以外其它玻璃的制作技术均和同时期在大陆流行的玻璃制作技术同源。而成分分析结果显示钠钙玻璃可能来自印度或者东南亚,说明中古时期台湾岛是“海上丝绸之路”的重要中转站。
石脑油通常作为汽轮机的燃料。如果石脑油中的杂质元素含量过高,将会缩短汽轮机的使用寿命。本文采用水平观测ICP 建立了对石脑油中微量杂质的分析方法。
飞灰中含有大量的金属杂质,是大气污染的主要来源,因此对飞灰的检测对环境保护就显得格外重要。本文采用ICP-OES(Prodigy Leeman Labs)对飞灰中金属杂质进行了系统分析,分析结果与NIST SRM 1633b 标准样品比较,结果优良。
全谱ICP固体检测器主要的特征是具备一次测定未知样品中所有元素,也即元素“指纹”谱图。此技术在QC及仲裁方面具有强大的功能。为实现“指纹”功能,要求ICP全波长覆盖及对应的全谱数据处理功能。本文将描述Prodigy ICP有关元素“指纹”技术的性能。
This study is based on the SEM-EDS and LA-ICP-AES analyses of a sample of twenty-nine Tang sancai sherds unearthed from the Liquanfang site, Xi’an city. The results indicate that ceramics with yellowish bodies are calcareous and those with red bodies were made of ferruginous clays.
Copper is considered to be the first metal used by man and has been mined for more than 10,000 years. Since copper is a soft, malleable metal, early civilizations learned to fashion tools, containers, ornaments and weapons from it. Once it was discovered that the addition of a small amount of tin to molten copper produced an alloy that was harder than copper, the Bronze Age had begun.
There are many applications where the ability to measure the halogen elements, at the same time as the metallic elements, is desirable. A few of these include the measurements of Cl and Br in refinery process fluids, the measurement of Cl and Br in waste oils and the determination of Cl-, Br- and I- in food supplements and drinking water.
Carbon steels are by far the most frequently used steels. More than 85% of the steel produced in the US is carbon steel. These steels are classified by their carbon content. Table 1 shows the classification of carbon steels and some typical uses.